Thursday, June 24, 2021

How to earn money online by selling photos on Shutterstock Contributor


Since we want to know how to sell Photos and Videos on Shutterstock to earn money online so we will be focusing on the Contributor part. Now Shutterstock offers a great opportunity for those who create digital content that includes unique photos and videos.

To Register as a Contributor on Shutterstockclick here

So if you’re good at Photography or Video editing and Publishing then this website can literally make you rich. They have clearly mentioned it on their website that you can immediately start getting thousands and millions of visitors and start earning money. All you need to do is create outstanding photos and images.

Photo Selling – You can trade photos on the site as long as they are in JPF format and at least 4MP. This is to say that you’ll need a good camera with a high resolution for this.

Videos – You are also allowed to create and sell video footage on Shutterstock. The requirement, however, is that the video should be between 5 and 60 seconds. It shouldn’t go beyond these limits.

Vectors and Illustrations – Finally, you can as well create vectors and illustrations to sell on the platform. Submit your files in EPS format with a maximum size of 15MB on images in JPG format with 4MP and above.